
midjourney Prompt

美丽的年轻女子带着腼腆俏皮的微笑,赤脚 ::10 脏脚,广角镜头,全身照片,浑身是泥,在热气腾腾的温泉中快乐地嬉戏,背景是科罗拉多州美丽的风景,获奖照片,逼真,电影级的灯光,非常详细,清晰的焦点,8k,::1 — ar 9:16 –v 5 –upbeta

Beautiful young woman with coy playful smile, barefoot ::10 dirty feet, wide Angle lens, full body shot, covered in mud, happily frolicking in a hot spring, beautiful Colorado landscape in the background, award winning photo, realistic, cinema-grade lighting, very detailed, sharp focus, 8k, ::1 — ar 9:16 –v 5 –upbeta

AI绘画 midjourney 示意图



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